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HaiX CS:GO Training Routine

HaiX CS:GO Training Routine​ -

Who is Haix?

HaiX is a russian YouTuber who try to become a pro player in CS:GO. He has a lot of contacts in the pro scene. HaiX also was in different teams with different players. So he got a lot of experience from his last teams and tournaments.

HaiX CS:GO training routine is a new method he developed to get better at CS:GO. In the following we will introduce you to the method.

HaiX CS:GO Training Routine

(1) Play on a bhop Server

HaiX envisages that you should play on a Bhop server at the beginning. In doing so, you train your wrist and your mouse movement. So you can mend better in important situations and get a kill.

Duration: 10-15 minutes

For this training method you need two workshop maps. You can download them here:

(2) bot_training_dust training map

For this exercise you have to download the bot_training_dust map from the Steam Workshop.

The task on this map is to eliminate enemy targets. The difficulty with this, however, is that they are only moving targets. This makes it harder to hit the targets. Another advantage of the map is that the targets are at different heights and different distances. When shooting, you should shoot on the head. You train your headshot skills and your precision with this map.

Recommendation from HaiX: 100 kills with the ak, 50 kills with the deagel and as many kills with the awp as you need. This will train out your muscle memory and your aiming skills.

(3) CSGOHUB training map

For this exercise you have to download the Skills Training Map from the Steam Workshop.

(3.1) Gamemode Rush

In this game mode, enemy bots are running towards you. Your goal is to kill these bots as soon as possible. You should be very careful to aim for the head. If the bots come too close to you, the score is reset.

HaiX recommends to make a 250 killstreak 4 times. After each successful attempt, you can take a 1 - 2 minute break.

(3.2) Gamemode Shuffle

In this game mode, opponents come to you at a 360 ° angle. That means you always have to look around and find and kill the enemy quickly. The aim of this exercise is to develop your muscle memory when moving from one opponent to another.

HaiX recommends to practice 3 times for 5 minutes continuously, with a 2 minute break in between.

(3.3) Gamemode Prefire

In this exercise you will learn how to peak properly and how to have a correct crosshair placement. You should always make sure to make peaks where you are only seen from one position so that you can always force a 1 vs 1. You will also improve your strafing and counterstrafing methode.

Play until you feel ready.

Our Experience

Some players from our teams have tried the HaiX CS: GO training routine. At first, it was very difficult but you noticed very quickly that the games were getting better in many situations. We definitely recommend it.

ArcticBlaze – Your Gaming Community

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